Students looking at a professor and white board in a classroom.

Perkins Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a grant-funded academic assistance program for challenging Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses featuring weekly collaborative study sessions.  Regularly scheduled weekly sessions are held in the CTE Supplemental Instruction Center, Instructional Building 5, Room 201.  Additional remote and blended sessions are also available.

SI Canvas courses help support students by providing a digital learning environment, in addition to weekly SI sessions and office hours. Students will find schedules of sessions and office hours, as well as resources and announcements, posted in their SI Canvas Course.

Links to SI Canvas courses are provided to students in supported class sections and can also be found below.

What is an SI leader?

SI leaders are former students who have successfully taken the selected courses, but attend classes with students to review material and prepare weekly session plans.

  • Improve test scores and course grades.
  • SI leaders help students:
  • Master course content
  • Practice skills
  • Improve study strategies
  • Connect with peers
  • Increase motivation and engagement
Supplemental Instruction logo

Visit Us!

Stop by our office to see what’s new and exciting in SI! We are located in INST 201, across from the Tutoring Center in Building 5. Our SI Leaders will be happy to see you and answer any questions you may have about the program.

What subjects and courses are supported?

Ashley de la Rosa-Hanlon
Canvas link
Michael Ciocco
Canvas link 
Thaddaeus Sayre
Canvas link
Matthew Gellici
Canvas link
Rachel Disbrow
Canvas link
Chelsea Giacco
Canvas link 
Olivia Kenny
Canvas link
Michelle Malara
Kahra Woolverton
Canvas link 

Contact Information

Brianna Cardinale
Associate Director, Academic and Tutoring Support Services
Instructional Building 5, Room 221
(732) 255-0400 Ext. 2883